Update: 17.10.2021

Act Of Fate, 1997-2001 / 2019-jetzt, Oldenburg/Ostfriesland

Act Of Fate


Vocals Bass: Torsten Nieland 1997-2001
Guitars: Benjamin Hakbilir 1997-2001
Guitars: Stefan Pupkes 1997-1998
Drums: Alexander Oberdiek 1997-1998
Drums: Swen Ludwigs 1998-2000
Vocals Guitars: Michael Meyer 1998-2000
Guitars: Carsten Schmidt 2000-2001
Drums: Gerd Peter Mumme 2000-2001
Vocals: Christian Sap 2000-2001
Vocals: Karsten Schöning 2001



(Nieland) „Ebola Beach Party“,2001-2011 „Gorezone“, „Gallery of Darkness
(Hakbilir) „Anasarca“, „Act Of Fate“, „For Victory“, „Monster
(Schöning) „Fleshrobot“, “Gorezone“, “Deformed“, “Gallery of Darkness“, “Of Trees and Orchids“, “Ingurgitating Oblivion“
(Oberdiek) „Ebola Beach Party“,2007-2011 “The Seventh Seal“, “Monster“ (Voc) , 2011-jetzt „Left Hand Path“ (Bas) 2011-2012
(Ludwigs & Meyer) "The Damnation
(Mumme) “King Carrion“, “Deformed“, “Chateau“ , „Blakylle„ 2014-2015
(Sap) “King Carrion



Soul Puzzlement EP 1998


1.     Autumn Dawn (intro)
2.     Paingod
3.     Soul Puzzlement
4.     Perpetual Hate
5.     Nighthunter
6.     Act of Fate

Despise the Light 1999


1.     Bleeding Again
2.     Final Destination
3.     Euphoria
4.     Conscience Demand
5.     Cold Emotions
6.     Blinded By...
7.     Starvation
8.     The Gate
9.     XXX
10.   Dream Destroyer

